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Continental Hex V-Belt CC300

Model: CC300
Hex V-Belt
Price Each: 395.41
Total Price: $395.41

Product Details

Manufacture:  Continental

Outside Length (in.):  304.4

Width:  0.9600

SAP #:  20042450

Weight:  6.95

Thickness:  0.6600

CC300 - 0.96" Overall Width (in.) 304.4" Outside Lgth. (in.) 0.66" Thick (in.) ContiTech Hex Belts, also known as double V-belts, are designed for use on drives with one or more reverse bends. They usually transmit power power from both sides ofthe belt. To meet the mumiltiple-bend and dual power requirements, ContiTech built Hex belts with rugged Vyacord tension members. They deliver maximum strength with minimum elongation. They also work with all the other quality materials that are a part of our Hex belts to deliver maximum performance over a long, trouble-free life. Check your pulleys and make sure they are good to go if not choose from our C-Section pulleys for great drive results. If you need help selecting or have questions Contact Us.

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