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Optibelt-SK SPA Metric Wedge Belts

Optibelt-SK SPA Metric Wedge Belts are designed for high-performance and mechanical engineering applications. They provide excellent power transmission, efficiency, and durability with a rubber-impregnated fabric wrap. The Set-Constant (S=C) length tolerances ensure consistency and versatility for various industrial needs.
  • Reliably engineered core rubber compound and cords offer superior resistance to stretching and premature wear.
  • SK standard and metric profiles transmit 33% more horsepower than classical v-belt profiles.
  • Rubber impregnated fabric wrap is bonded with the belt's core for superior durability.
  • Fabric wrap increases the belts ability to grip in the sheave.
  • Matched sets: S=C Plus manufacturing tolerances ensure every belt is closer than industry length standards for a matched-set belt, regardless of date manufactured.